
Monday, April 18, 2011

Awaiting My Exodus

Some may call it "senioritis" but I call it "the call of the wild" or maybe just my "exodus." I think there marks a time in all our lives when we consciously decide its time to stop going to school and put all of what we have learned over the past 17 plus years to good use. I have worked hard for a long time. I have always enjoyed learning but I feel the constant pressure of society to conform to what other people want. I'm not a fan.

Before I go into this I would like to say that my teachers and professors are good people and that I love my parents dearly. But at some point we have to say, "Sorry, no, I am adult. I need to figure this one out myself." But how hard this can be when you respect the people that have given you so much guidance over the years.

I must say that my parents are pretty awesome. I will call up my mom with some new and wild idea (selling herbs to local chefs has been the latest one) and she says, "That's wonderful honey. Do what you want to do." I am pretty sure at this point she trusts me to make the right choice. I am not stupid. I know what is going on in the world and what it takes to survive.

My professors and some of my peers do not share this faith. It is possible that this is the case because they do not know my upbringing or maybe it is because they want to impose their ideas/dreams/wants on me. Irritating. I have been pursuing a major in Theatre for three years and will be finishing it this spring. I am a year ahead of most of the people in the department and am equally talented. I feel that with every adviser meeting I go to that I am being ridiculed for the fact that I am not high on going to graduate school for my MFA or that I am not jumping right into summer stock theater. I just want to tell these people, "I do not want to become a professional actor!" But my grades are at stake because the same professor who regards me in this manner is consequently the professor of three of my classes this term.

Next year I will be finishing my communications degree. I am excited for this because I feel that every class I take is full of such practical information that I can apply to a job tomorrow. Besides there is not forceful person standing over me, demanding that I sell myself into slavery for the rest of my life or otherwise I will be a "bad artist" and a fool.

So then I come to the exciting part, my exodus. I am thrilled to say that I look forward to 2-3 years of a part-time job or two, travel, volunteering, and all around enjoyment of life. Because I live simply and I am not married, I am free to go wherever I may please and incidentally live happily. Then, if I feel the need, I will return to school and get my Masters in whatever. But I will not go in to debt for the sake of someone else nor will I live a life that others think I should simply because it is their idea of the status quo. How backwards and limiting!

So someday, almost a year from now, I will leave this silly town and its little school. I will go with a sense of satisfaction knowing that it taught me to grow and to love and how to be who I am.

P.s. This is my 100th blog post! Hooray!

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