
Thursday, April 7, 2011

More snow... :(

The snow is still falling outside my window. It has been gray and nasty all week and it really frustrates the hell out of me. All I want is sunshine! How hard is that?

I am still scheming about this summer. I want farmers market time to be here really badly but I am not sure how that will work out considering it is SNOWING! *angry glare skyward*

On the bright side, my lettuces are starting to sprout. My tomatoes are slower but I still have faith. Not sure about the herbs. The seed was kind of old. I am looking forward to a long (and fun) canning season this summer. I also plan to sew a lot more. Awesome thing about being a student, I will have August to do what I want!

Also, another note. I think I am going to start transplanting more house plants. I was reading how they absorb tons of toxins out of the air that tend to exist in houses because of carpet, paints, cleaner residue, etc. Because I live in a rented apartment I cannot remove those items. So my legions of house plants will have the opportunity to do the work. I am sure they won't mind. :)

To cheer me up (or depress me more, not sure which) I have been reading fun blogs/websites. Allow me to share.

I am really in love with the idea of solar cooking. My brother made a solar cooker two years ago. I think I want to try it out this summer for the purpose of drying fruit. There are so many options, I was amazed. Here are some patterns.

Another among us who is rebelling against consumerism. Preach on sister!

All sorts of interesting stuff on this blog.

Lastly, I really like this blog, Little Eco Footprints. There are so many awesome ideas and fun projects. Someday I want my blog to be this cool. *sigh*

I better go do homework or something...9 weeks left...only 9 weeks..


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