
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I cannot believe that this is the last week of June already! It is pretty insane. I feel like I should have accomplished more than I have in the last couple weeks. Next week I will be going to work at a summer camp in the mountains. I am very excited about it!

I have been spending the last week or so trying to clean the last of my stuff out of my parents house. I have a lot of high school mementos and childhood things that I feel like I don't need. It is had definitely been a bit of a nostalgic trip. I cam across a bunch of 8th grade graduation cards. Weird. In less than a year I will be graduating from college. Am I wiser? Maybe. Have I learned anything? Debatable.

Cleaning out this kind of stuff can be challenging for me honestly. I keep wondering if the person that gave it to me even remembers giving it as a gift. Some items have not seen the light of day since my family moved almost eight years ago. That says a lot. I find that some days I am not as emotionally ready to part with some of the items. It is challenging finding that balance.

In fact yesterday was one of the most difficult days. I had stumbled upon some old writing from high school in some journals. I was feeling really down and not really knowing what I am doing with my life. So I am feeling sad and emotional and then my former high school boyfriend drops by. I wanted to crawl into a hole. It was probably the single most awkward thing ever. It is amazing how much memories and the past can change how we feel in the present.

On another note I compared my past two years budgets. I spent about $2,000 less this year than I did last year! I am happy to say that I am going to work even harder this year to spend even less. This past year was not particularly challenging so I cant wait to see if I can do better! The interesting thing about all of this is that most people would be shocked by how little I spend anyway. But I think that it is very important to live below your means for a while. That is the joy of being young.

Happy Tuesday,


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