
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Schools Out!

As of last Tuesday I am officially done with college for a few months! On Thursday I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Now I sit in front of my computer sporting a look that only a chipmunk should have. The upside is that I am getting it over with now instead of later.

So now my summer is officially here and it is raining outside. I feel really trapped. So I am on my usual hunt for cool blogs to add to my ever growing list.

I have become really fascinated by the idea of refashioning cloths. The idea of taking a few thrift store pieces and turning them into skirts, dresses, neat shirts and skinny jeans. Cotton and Curls has many beautiful examples of how refashioning can make a wonderful wardrobe with very little. I really love this jacket and this skirt. Wonderful inspiration!

And if that is not enough, I watched a lovely Ted Talk by Jessi Arrington about thrift store shopping for a unique wardrobe. She blogs at Lucky So and So.

I hope I can start posting my thrift store finds soon. :)


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