
Friday, June 3, 2011

Simplifying My Life: An Update

Over the past few months I have been making efforts to simplify my life. The reasons for this are many. For one, I feel that "stuff" can keep me from doing what I love and going where I please. By breaking this attachment I feel more empowered by living off little and experiencing more. I also have been finding ways to simplify because of financial strains. As a student with a limited job I do not have much money to spend but I have made some small steps which can keep some of my costs lower than ever before. And lastly, a more simplified life is better for the planet. Buy using what I have instead of buy more I am wasting less and protecting the environment. 

Some small steps that I have taken toward minimalism and simplification are:

-Using a cloth handkerchief instead of paper tissues.
-Air drying my cloths instead of using an electric dryer. 
-Eating more meals from scratch and using more dry beans, lentils, and rice.
-Switching from conventional feminine protection to a Moon Cup. 
-Printing on the blank side of already used paper instead of using new sheets.
-Sewing a few of my own cloths.
-Going No-poo twice a week (baking soda and vinegar) instead of washing my hair with shampoo.
-Wearing my glasses more often so I can use fewer contact lenses.
-Shopping within walking distance.
-Riding my bike.
-Starting my own tomato plants from seed.
-Selling unwanted items on Ebay and donating others. 

A few things I am planning on doing in the future are:
-Canning and preserving food for this winter so I do not have to rely on store bought items.
-Getting rid of more unneeded things.
-Grow my own garden.

I am excited about all of my new changes and I hope that I can continue!

Happy Friday.


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